
Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Bernardus M R Hardus Tukan, but you can call me Bernard. Welcome to my page. I graduated from the Duta Wacana Christian University of Yogyakarta with a degree in Informatics, and I have experience in the programming world, particularly with Android and design. Below are some of my portfolio examples. I hope you find them interesting.Thank you.

Skills & Tools


Design & Editing


UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Sep 2019 - Present

Bachelor;s Degree in Informatics - S.Kom.

Grade: 3.70/4.00 - 7th semester (GPA)


Google Certified - Associate Android Developer

Dicoding - Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Android dengan Jetpack Compose

Dicoding - Menjadi Android Developer Expert

Dicoding - Belajar Pengembangan Aplikasi Android Intermediate

Dicoding - Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Android

Dicoding - Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Android untuk Pemula

Dicoding - Belajar Prinsip Pemrograman SOLID

Dicoding - Memulai Pemrograman Dengan Kotlin

Dicoding - Memulai Pemrograman Dengan Java

Dicoding - Pengenalan ke Logika Pemrograman (Programming Logic 101)

Dicoding - Memulai Dasar Pemrograman untuk Menjadi Pengembang Software

Dicoding - Meniti Karier sebagai Software Developer

Dicoding - Belajar Dasar Git dengan GitHub

Dicoding - Belajar Dasar UX Design


GDSC Lead 2021 - Graduate

Bangkit 2022 - Graduate in Mobile Development Path

HIMTI DEV - Best Participant in Android Developer Club

Olimpiade Saintek 2021 - Juara 1 Lomba Basket


Mobile Development (Android) Mentor

Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka
Feb 2023 - Present

Bangkit is a unique career readiness program led by Google and delivered with support from industry experts from their industry partner like GoTo, Traveloka, and Deeptech Foundation. The program is designed to provide participants with first-hand exposure to real-world practicioners and prepare them with relevant skills for a successful career in leading tech companies.

I am successfully selected to be 216 mentors from 556 applicants as Mobile Developer (Android) Mentor. In Bangkit, mentor played a crucial role, such as:

✅ Helped contribute to 86% graduation rate

✅ Beside academic achievement, mentor also provided community support that boosted students motivation

✅ In fact, about 91% students said that Mentor is between "useful" to "very useful" for learning experience (Bangkit 2022 students survey)


  • Lead and assist a cohort of 25 students in a class from Mobile Development (Android) learning, through a weekly consultation, study group, and discord
  • Helping instructor during ILT session
  • Provide consultative support to study together and support each other
  • Overall, provide a supportive learning environment that will lead to a high graduation rate among my students, which is 86% at minimum
  • Allocate + 9 hours per week

Content Specialist - Twitter

Feb 2023 - Mar 2023

PACMANN is a research startup focusing on the application and development of machine learning algorithms. We have implemented several machine learning projects in different fields in Indonesia and are currently offering classes for those who are interested in learning about data modeling.


  • Coordinate with internal team to maintain and constantly update editorial schedule for the Twitter Contents
  • Research related contents about Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Engineering, Deep Learning, and Software Engineering for content banks
  • Generate and share daily Twitter contents that build meaningful connections and encourage the followers to interact actively
  • Create a weekly report about Twitter insight
  • Coordinate and execute the marketing strategy with all Marketing teams
  • Allocate 4 hours per day

Android Developer

Fishku Indonesia
Jul 2022 - Apr 2023

Fishku is a startup engaged in fisheries as a fish sales platform with features that support fish freshness detection. Fishku is incubated-startup by Google and Dikti and supported by Bangkit Academy led by Google, GoTo, and Traveloka


  • Develop and maintain android apps from scratch for consumer-side
  • Create robust and reliable code with clean architecture
  • Build and manage github organization
  • Helping team to migrate project management tools by using Trello
  • Publish beta track into Google Play Store and reach 250+ testers
  • Launch apps into production track and reach 100+ downloads

Mobile Development (Android) Cohort

Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka
Jan 2022 - Sep 2022

Bangkit is a unique career readiness program led by Google and delivered with support from industry experts from their industry partner like GoTo, Traveloka, and Deeptech Foundation. The program is designed to provide participants with first-hand exposure to real-world practicioners and prepare them with relevant skills for a successful career in leading tech companies.

I am successfully selected to be 3,100 participants from 63,000 registrants as Mobile Developer (Android) Trainees and graduated as Google Certified Associate Android Developer.


As an Individual,

  • Attend all Bangkit Team Meeting and Instructor Led-Training sessions, which has 3 types (soft skills, english, and tech)
  • Finish every assignment for each week within deadline
  • Attend Weekly Consultation with Facilitator
  • Finish all mandatory courses for Android Learning Path on Dicoding platform

As a Team,

  • Build capstone project namely Selidik Pasar a.k.a. Selasar
  • Project Manager at Selasar Team
  • Build android apps from scratch


Staff of Regeneration and Advocacy Division

Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Jan 2021 - Jan 2022

HIMTI UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is a forum for friendship and unification between students and alumni of the Informatics Engineering Study Program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and functions as an organizer of activities for student affairs, reasoning and knowledge in the field of information technology.


  • Preparing active students from class of 2020 & 2021 of HIMTI UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta to continue the relay management of HIMTI UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
  • Give an attitude towards an event/campus policy that has an impact on students
  • Convey students from class of 2017 - 2021 aspirations towards the campus bureaucratic system

Staff of Information and Technology Department

Ikatan Silaturrahim Alumni Al Hamid (ISHLAH)
Sep 2021 - Present

Ikatan Silaturrahim Alumni Al Hamid (ISHLAH) is a forum for friendship and unification between Al Hamid Islamic Boarding School students and alumni, and functions as an organizer of alumni activities and an introduction to information between alumni


  • Maintenance website and every ISHLAH social media (Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube)
  • Delivering of information between alumni through social media where there are 1,000+ alumni spread throughout Indonesia
  • Manage live reports at every events


Discord Manager

Google Developers Community: Indonesia
Jul 2022 - Present

Our developer community spans across the globe. Connect through chapter-hosted events, join a program to fast-track success, or simply explore this space to learn something new from the community.

We partner with meetup communities, women in tech leads, Google technology experts, startups, and more to provide them with the resources and guidance they need to be successful in building on Google.


  • Help community manager to build an ecosystem through Discord platform
  • Bring the community server with 8.4k+ members
  • Manage and lead server for all of Google Developers Community: Indonesia (GDSC, GDG, GDE, WTM)


Google Developer Student Clubs Chapter UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Aug 2022 - Jul 2022

Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) are community groups for college and university students who are interested in Google Developers technologies. Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with an interest in growing as a developer are welcome. By joining a GDSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their community. This program presented by Google Developers.

Google Developer Student Club Leads are community organizers. Like Googlers, they are leaders who believe that technology can do extraordinary things for the world. They have taken on the responsibility to impact students and empower these students to impact their communities. Through this experience they will not only be leaving a legacy of impact but also growing as an individual and a meaningful contributor in the greater developer ecosystem.

Their role as a Google Developer Student Club Lead (GDSC) will challenge them and help them to grow as a leader.


  • Leading a community with 18 Core Team Members, 120 Members, and 900+ Followers on Instagram
  • Managing events, workshops, and weekly classes
  • Helping member projects for Google Solution Challenges from Google Developers


My Works

  • All
  • Android
  • UX Design
  • Other

TMDB Movie

Github User App

Dicoding Story App

True Guide by TRUEAGENCY

Baby Grow

ITaFood Mobile Design

Harmoni Rasa Mobile Design

EcoGuru Mobile Design

BabyGrow Mobile Design

TrueGuide Mobile Design

Harmoni Rasa Desktop Design


Social Profiles